Today's Special!

TODAY'S SPECIAL ~ Crazy with a shot of More Crazy


I'm a good time...

My gay uncle had a heart attack and this is the conversation that happened after my mom bitched me out for not calling him to see how he was doing...

Sum: I called Uncle Aunt...

Mom: What did he say?

Sum: Well, he was a little offended that you made me feel so guilty about not calling. He was like, “Life is too short. That kind of sucks that she would use me as a pawn to make you feel guilty after I just had a heart attack and almost died”

Mom: Really?

Sum: Yeah, but don’t worry about it, I told him you just were worried that he felt no one cared...

Mom: I feel bad that he took it that way...

Sum: Don’t Mom, because that conversation never happened…he didn’t answer when I called.


  1. LMFAO!!! You are so awesome!!!

  2. glad he's ok...maybe he needs to cut back on the salsa dancing?

  3. you intrigue me "anonymous"...he does love to salsa but he really shines when he drops it like its hottt...

  4. Your freakin' hilarious! :):) I love that you call him Uncle Aunt....and that you made the whole stinkin' thing up! Where do you come up with this Shit?

  5. Uncle Aunt. Love it. I'd say "your poor mom", but she's known you for a while, I'm sure she's used to this sort of thing. :)
